Welcome to the Australian and New Zealand

Google Swag Store.

Quick Briefs / Custom Orders

Click the link below, enter your details, submit and your account manager will come back to you with suggestions and recommendations.

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Didn’t find what you were looking for? Click the link below to see the thousands of quality merch items that Position can source.

Co-Branding Required?

Have any upcoming events where partnerships or collaborations require co-branded merchandise?
Click the button below to get in touch.

The Google AUNZ Merchandise Store is proudly brought to you by Position, a leading Aboriginal owned and operated corporate branding specialist. Proceeds from every order placed through this store are invested in projects which contribute to positive social outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. This partnership supports Google’s RAP mission to partner with and empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and make diversity, equity and inclusion part of everything we do.